Angré Port is the first private port in the country to host a cruise vessel. Watch as Karnika, India’s largest cruise vessel with a length of more than 250 m, berths at our jetty
Seamless cargo handling
Get a bird’s eye view of sugar loading operations at Angré Port. We have delivered more than twice our committed load rate on all sugar shipments to date!
22,000 m2 of covered
warehouse space across
three warehouses
22,000 m2 of covered
warehouse space across
three warehouses
10,000 m2 of paved storage
yards for open storage of
sensitive cargo
10,000 m2 of paved storage
yards for open storage of
sensitive cargo
60,000 m2 of compacted storage
plots with existing cargo
bed underside to enable long
term cargo storage
60,000 m2 of compacted storage
plots with existing cargo
bed underside to enable long
term cargo storage
600 tonnes of in house last mile
transportation capabilities for
guaranteed delivery of
your cargo
600 tonnes of in house last mile
transportation capabilities for
guaranteed delivery of
your cargo
32,000 KL of multi-purpose
liquid storage and
handling capacity
32,000 KL of multi-purpose
liquid storage and
handling capacity
Two 45 tonne bollard pull tugs
Two 45 tonne bollard pull tugs
Channel with 11.0 m depth
enabling upto 45,000 tonnes
being loaded alongside
Channel with 11.0 m depth
enabling upto 45,000 tonnes
being loaded alongside
64 tonne Liebherr mobile
harbour crane for efficient barge
or gearless vessel handling
64 tonne Liebherr mobile
harbour crane for efficient barge
or gearless vessel handling
Two 100 tonne weighbridges
that can handle dispatches of
up to 6,000 tonnes a day
Two 100 tonne weighbridges
that can handle dispatches of
up to 6,000 tonnes a day
300 acres of privately owned,
industrial land available for
long term lease to set up
production facilities
300 acres of privately owned,
industrial land available for
long term lease to set up
production facilities